Bruland Barn equipment

The Dutch company Bruland was founded in 1954 and has meanwhile grown into a leading company for barn equipment. A sample of our Bruland barn equipment:


Bruland cubicles give your cows animal-friendly lying comfort. They get enough space to stand up and lie down again easily.


– durable (zincing according to NEN-norms)
– strong (bended from one piece, no welds)
– also available in gas tube

Feed fences


– easy maintenance
– easy to operate
– available in standard lengths or in any desired size
– durable thanks to robust construction and zincing according to NEN-norms


– manhole
– revolving
– assortment of extras for your fencing
– feeding width and extra soundproofing made to measure

Drinking water supply

As a professional you will know that a well thought-out drinking water supply pays off in milk production.

Your watering-trough must be robust, easy to reach and easy to clean. All these qualities are to be found in our Bruland watering-troughs.

Free advice or estimate made to measure on 02/395 85 00 or via [email protected]